Rules of a Four-Way Stop


Whether you’re new to the road or a seasoned driver, it’s no lie that four-way stops can be tricky to navigate from time to time. To help give you a better insight on who has the right of way, the DiPasquale Moore team put together this blog to serve as a refresher to all Kansas and Missouri drivers out there.

Four-Way Stop

The main rule of a four-way stop is that the first car to arrive will always have the right of way. However, that can change depending on if another driver simultaneously pulls up from a different direction. If both drivers are heading in opposite directions, they can pull off simultaneously. However, if they are traveling in a similar direction, the car on the right will always have the right of way.

If a car is making a right turn and the other is going left, the driver making the right turn has the right of way. If one car is signaling to turn right and the other car isn’t, the driver who is traveling straight also has the right of way. Left turns are easier to navigate—if both drivers turn left, they can proceed simultaneously.

But when multiple cars come to an intersection simultaneously, things can get tricky. It’s critical to use your best judgment and use eye contact to determine who will turn or proceed first. Usually, a more aggressive driver will take off first, but afterward, you may proceed normally.

Four-Way Stop Accidents

There’s no worse feeling than not knowing if your car accident was your fault or not. But just know, we are here to help.

The attorneys at DiPasquale Moore can launch an investigation into your accident to determine who is truly at fault. We can evaluate your case thoroughly to determine what best options you may have. If you’re interested, be sure to call our offices today at (816) 888-7500 or visit our website to get started on a consultation request form.


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